Laval Dog Training – Special Needs Dog Training

Canine behavioural problem training

The Art of Dog Training

Dog Training is as much science as it is an art.  We have so much information about how dogs process information, adapt and learn. We have a better understanding of how a dog’s drives, DNA and early life experience can influence their behaviour.  We also need to balance all of this with a keen and observant eye in training and analyzing what we do to help guide our dogs to success.  We have to be able to understand our dogs’ feelings and in this particular case Odin’s feeling ran away from him like the bus in the movie Speed. It was full speed, no brakes out of control unhealthy obsession with shadows.  

Training Challenging dogs

Helping dogs with specific issues like Odin is a joy to partake in. As a professional dog trainer fo 30 + years I love when people bring me challenging dogs. In many cases they bring me dogs who have already seen multiple trainers and yet they have not been able to successfully remediate the problem behaviour. 

Creative Dog Training

 You can’t simply force an obsessed dog to stop. We have to work on teaching skills, replacing and redirecting the dog’s focus and energy and in essence showing ther dog a new reason to get up in the morning. Very driven dogs of any breed are purpose driven. Their drives must achieve satisfaction or the frustration will bubble over like a full pot of boiling water on top of a burner set to max on the stove top.

Odin’s owners requested a consultation towards the end of last year and then he came in for Family K9 Dog Training’s Board and Train In January of this year. Since he has gone home from training they have followed up on his work and have done very, very well learning how to live with Odin and follow the condors explained to them in our transfer lesson.  Everyone is living a much more content and peace filled life now – Humans and Dog enjoying their days together as it should be!