Training a dog reactive dog

Passion Fruit’s owner contacted me with a request to help with their dog primarily due to dog reactivity. It was clear from speaking to her that she had major issues with walking him.
- He would lunge and bark at dogs – and some people too.
- He was difficult to walk due to his size, strength and intensity.
- When he would focus on something they would not be able to control him during an outburst.
Reactive dogs make life challenging for their owners
Many owners of reactive dogs find themselves planning their routes carefully in order to avoid triggers. They plan their walks at times when there is less chance of activity outside. They learn to become very strategic and specially alert – trying to always be a step or two ahead of the dog to avoid problems and outbursts.
Reactive Dog Training
While training Passion Fruit (nicknamed Dan) I made sure to build his foundation training to the fullest. This was done so that when we started to add in his triggers he would have a wealth of experience and understanding to draw from.
As we began to work in more challenging situations – all that was required to bring him back into focus was a little reminder. You can see in the first video that he has an easy time working with me – remains focused and calm throughout our session. Even when I slip on the ice – he continues to walk right next to me without missing a beat.
Board & Train transfer lesson – teaching owners how to maintain a trained dog
IN the second video I am working with his owner Anne – for the first time. She hasn’t seen Fruit in three weeks.
I kept her update don his progress via email and now is time to teach Anne what she needs to know in order to capitalize on Fruit’s training.
Anne did a wonderful job in our lesson and I was really happy with just how enthusiastic she was about Fruit’s training.